Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Yeah, about that... // Le Grand Schedule

Ian and I spent a greater part of a weekend in January talking about what we wanted to accomplish, from dreams for the future, to things we want to do in the next year, to how we want to plan our schedules day-to-day.

On reflection, we did get ourselves organized in many ways. If anything, it was good to sit down, talk, and plan things together. We're really great at making plans. We are less awesome at implementing all of them. but one step at a time, no?

Somethings that I want to do just aren't feasible right now, like taking yoga classes (cannot afford) or getting in any sort of decent cardio workouts (my body just isn't ready after surgery two months ago, I tried this and overworked myself last week). But at least it's all written out there, right?

The best thing we did was set up daily and weekly schedules for ourselves. I won't way that we've been perfect at keeping them, but we've made vast improvements already. And, as the baby can attest, it's nice to have a little structure!

Daily Schedule
6:30 am     Ian (and possibly Rachel) wakes up
7:30 am     Ian is at the office
12:00 pm   Ian comes home for lunch (which Rachel has ideally prepared in advance)
1:00 pm     Ian is back at the office
4:00 pm     Ian comes home and goes for a run
5:00 pm     We make dinner together
7:00 pm     Felicity gets ready for bed: baby is bathed, lotioned, nursed, swaddled, and read to
8:00 pm     Rachel and Ian spend an "us" hour - game, reading together, talking, cuddling, etc.
10:30 pm   Electronics off, reading in bed
11:00 pm   Lights out (12:00 am for weekends)

And in all of this, Flick usually goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:00 pm, and will either sleep through until about 4:00 or 5:00 am, or wake up once to eat around midnight. She'll often go back down to sleep until 8:00, which isn't half bad. She also tends to have a longer nap in the mid morning, and one or two shorter naps in the afternoon.

Weekly Schedule
    Monday: Normal Schedule (Ian teaches)
    Tuesday: Ian is home in the afternoon, Rachel leaves from 1:30-4:30 pm to work on thesis
    Wednesday: Normal Schedule (Ian teaches)
    Thursday: Normal Schedule, Rachel has book club / play group at 4:00 pm
    Friday: Rachel has moms group in the morning; Ian is home in the afternoon, Rachel leaves from 1:30-4:30 pm to work on thesis
    Saturday: Sleep in and do late brunch, Rachel gets three hour window out of the house, Ian runs one hour, Ian works two hours
    Sunday: Ian works for five hours, Ian runs one hour

  • The kitchen is cleaned every night (this was a big one for us, we're great at letting it go)
  • Ian is in charge of garbage/recycling every day
  • Bathroom is cleaned every Tuesday (Ian)
  • Mop kitchen and Sweep/Vacuum apartment every Wednesday (joint effort)
  • Rachel does the laundry and changes sheets every Thursday
  • Rachel keeps the living room straightened
  • Ian keeps the bedroom straightened
We're not perfect by any means, but we've implemented as much as we seem capable of handling (I had a rough week emotionally and physically), but so far everything is going really well.

I'm sure I'll write more on the actual goals that I set for myself at a later point, but it's nice to revisit all of this about one month after we set up our schedules and to see that we're actually following a fair amount of it. Yes!

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